FLARE Award Categories are reviewed each year to ensure that they are current, relevant and reflect the emerging innovations in Global education. These are inclusive of recognizing the impact and support to learning through various organizations and institutions across the country for creation of a system where knowledge is easily accessible both at national and international level.

FLARE acknowledges these contributions through FLARE Awards to celebrate the leadership, teaching, learning, and the strategic initiatives taken at the schools and colleges. This further provides the members an opportunity to disseminate the best practices, innovations and the creative endeavors to increase the participation of the beneficiaries.

FLARE Award has been introduced to recognize the noteworthy contribution of all those educationists involved in the promotion of the international education and also the student community who actively promote intercultural understanding.

The recipients of the award include:

  • Must have made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of both national and Global education be it in regard to research, employability skills, promotion of knowledge, implementation of transformational ideas etc.
  • Must contribute with a vision of inclusive growth focusing on improved quality of education and demonstrate the ability to excel at inspiring and leading others in the field.
  • The individuals must be an exemplary citizen exhibiting high personal expectations, positive attitude, ethical professional practices and understands the necessity to promote and appreciate the educational programs and policies.

FLARE Awards are the special recognition awarded to the individuals to recognize their achievements and contributions in the field of education both in the leadership and practitioner category. Through these awards, FLARE celebrates the outstanding education initiatives fostering the close relationship and innovations in the education system globally.

FLARE also recognizes the outstanding endeavours of the students whose accomplishments tend to inspire others to pursue higher education.