FLARE represents the interest of Education Institutions, Academicians. Researchers, and Educationists from across the Globe.

FLARE is the most innovative chamber and caters directly and indirectly to all the stakeholders in education all over the country.

FLARE has also been identified as the “Leaders Chamber” and has been focusing on providing experience-based knowledge, technologies and business opportunities to our members. 

FLARE has office bearers, core committee, national council and advisory board focusing on different business interests which regularly take up national and global issues of prime importance to the interests of its members. It continuously interacts with the International Bodies, Central and State Governments and play an important role in the shaping of the global education ecosystem.  

FLARE also provides a platform for its members to project their policies and programmes to the concerned authorities. It also organizes important workshops/ seminars/ conferences and coordinate interactive sessions with the policymakers. FLARE also regularly mounts delegations to many important countries

FLARE has the honour of hosting Foreign Business Delegations, World Leaders in Education and Social Activists. It also provides networking opportunities for its constituents and also makes special efforts to emphasise its member’s view-points in policy formulations.

FLARE strive to add a lot of value to its members. Our Eminent / Patron members are from the Top Institutions across the country.

In view of the win-win situation by getting associated with each other, may we invite you to become a member of FLARE, thereby contributing to the development of the Nation by voicing your views straight to the Government

Federation of Leaders in Academics, Research and Education are happy to formally announce that the Membership Opportunity is now available. For more details please write to memberships@flareworld.org

We will accept a limited number of membership applications in the following 3 categories:

  • Institutional Memberships
  • Corporate Memberships
  • Individual Memberships

Interested members are requested to go through the details and apply for the respective membership category in the prescribed format.