To diversify and broaden the prospects of education, FLARE promotes the executive leadership development in higher education through collaborative efforts. Working with the leadership experts and the industry peers, the member institutions and the education leaders come together and participate in the interactive session that aims to assess the key leadership skills, leadership style and helps in building up of a toolkit of actionable insights that promotes changes within the institutions.

The toolkit developed after the discussions among the delegates is essentially a compilation of resources required for leadership development during higher education. FLARE through its leadership development programme promotes the idea of encouraging leadership development in higher education settings.

Through the combination of multiple sessions and discussions FLARE encourages the higher education professionals to explore the strategies, trends and the best practices in both administrative as well as academic leadership.

The attendees would study about the functioning of the institutions and the current standards of leadership and discuss the methodologies to produce leaders with high calibre who are capable of taking over the senior positions while it becomes vacant.