FLARE with a vision to create a pioneer educational ecosystem issues publications that have embarked upon the journey of educational transformation via inclusive growth. It emphasizes and propagates the idea that a shared sense of responsibilities both by the government and the stakeholders aiming at transformative and research-based national and international education would mark a major milestone.
Engaging all the leading contributors in the field of education on a single platform, FLARE through its publication disseminates the transformative vision that they throw light upon coupled with razor sharp execution strategies along with assessing its impacts and making the necessary corrections.
As we voyage into a sensational future, FLARE through its publications propagates the way to look beyond the traditional form of imparting knowledge and education and inculcates self-realization amongst the individuals to work for a safer, superior and more educated world.
FLARE believes in a practice of compassionate education. Service to the potential education seekers and the contributors that includes teachers, researchers, academicians, stakeholders and others is at the very heart of our system and our publication acknowledges them all and also makes an attempt to propagate the vision and challenges for a better education system to the key stakeholders and the policy makers. With this we look forward to show the students future of education that they never believed to exist for them.
Through our publications, we take initiatives to encourage research and skill-based education and identify each activity of the individuals empowering them as an asset to the nation to create a society for which the future generations must credit us for having foreseen such a future.