Dr. Manpreet Singh Manna, B.E., M.E. and Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, starting his teaching profession as Lecturer from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (S.L.I.E.T.) in the year 1997.
He also attained the position of Director, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Dr Manna handled an important assignment to complete the SWAYAM Platform( World’s largest MOOCs Platform Application) within a time bound manner for hosting the online courses for which he received the “COMMENDATION AWARD” from, The Hon’ble President of India.
He was invited by UNO, Geneva for delivering a Special Talk on “SWAYAM MOOCs” during inter-sessional Panel of the United Nations Commission on Science & Technology for Development (CSTD) in 2017. He was also deputed by MHRD, GOI to represent Government of India in Asia Pacific Regional Seminar on Awareness of SWAYAM MOOCs for Higher Education held at Shenzhen, China in 2018.
He lead the Delegation at MASCOW of Indian Academicians sponsored by BRICS International forum and Ministry of Energy, Russia at Moscow during Energy Week of Russia in Oct., 2018. Dr Manna attended the on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs 2019 at United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok being member of IATT (UN Inter-Agency Tasks Team) for preparation Draft report on SDG4 for vision 2030 of UNO. He organised
During his teaching career, he was deputed as visiting Associate Professor by Ministry of HRD to AIT, Bangkok during 2012 session. He is a Fellow of Institutions of Engineers (India) and ISQEM, UK. He is Senior Member of IEEE USA, ISRD USA and IETI, Hong Kong and Life Member of ISTE India, IACSIT Singapore. Dr. Manna has published about 140 Research Publications for leading National and International Journals and attended a number of Conferences in the field of Engineering and Technology. He delivered number of Expert Talks on various topics in his area of expertise on National TV channels, Institutions in India and abroad. He also edited one exclusive book for faculty entitled “ Higher Education Faculty Career Orientation and Advancement” published by CEGR.
He has been conferred with various Awards in last one decade like
- Shreshth Aacharya Award-2011
- Bharat Excellence Award’ with ‘Gold Medal’ by the Former Election Commissioner of India at IIC, New Delhi in 2014.
- Best Citizens of India Award-2014 from FFI, New Delhi,
- Outstanding Faculty Award-2015 VIFFA at Chennai
- Rashtriya Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar-2015 from CEGR, New Delhi.
- Exceptional Leaders of Excellence, 2017 the prestigious WEF Award
- Innovative Policy Maker Award -2017 from News India & GESA, India.
- Eminent Engineers Award-2017” from Institutions of Engineers (India) at Ahmedabad.
- Medal of Honour -2018 from World Peace & Diplomacy organisation & Confederation of
- International Accreditation Commission during 5th International Education Forum at IIC, New Delhi on 16th June, 2018.
- PFLA Excellence Award during School Leadership Seminar organised by People First Leadership Academy Bangalore on 8th January 2019
He visited the countries like USA, Switzerland, Russia, Thailand, Singapore and China to Chair the sessions, for Invited talks, presenting papers and on teaching assignments etc.